Connecting communities for a more sustainable future

Witness the power of Human-I-T and YOU

Discover how Human-I-T is empowering individuals with technology while minimizing electronic waste with the help of donors and partners like you!

tech items distributed
households assisted with internet
digital literacy learners
pounds of e-waste diverted

Tackling two problems with one solution

At Human-I-T, we create equitable access to opportunity by providing devices, internet access, digital skills training, and tech support for communities left on the wrong side of the digital divide—while at the same time, empowering businesses and organizations to do good by diverting technology from landfills to protect our planet.


  • Produces 70% of the toxic waste in landfills
  • Leeches heavy metals and toxic chemicals into soil, water, and air
  • Contributes to many health issues for millions worldwide

The Digital Divide

  • Over 100 million Americans have no access to technology
  • Reflects social inequities in the modern world
  • Negatively impacts individuals, communities, and society at large

How we drive digital equity and sustainability

(in 4 simple steps)

Collect unwanted/used tech

We collect used corporate technology, diverting devices from landfills to people in need.

Redirect tech back to people in need

Refurbished devices are shared through programs and our low-cost store, enabling digital access.

Leverage digital navigation & 1:1 support

Our digital navigation team ensures our recipients have the right mix of tools and connectivity to achieve their specific goals online.

Offer ongoing access to connectivity, training, and support

We provide digital literacy training, low-cost internet, and tech support for equitable online access.

Transforming lives one device at a time

In today’s digital world, the opportunities that shape our lives—education, social connections, and career growth—are increasingly found online. Yet, for over 100 million Americans without access to technology or the internet, these doors remain closed.

Bridging this divide is about providing devices, internet, and digital literacy, ensuring everyone has an equal chance to thrive in the digital age and unlock their full potential online.

Business Model

Read our latest Annual Report and learn more about our impact.

Read the Annual Report


Chris Copeland

I have an 8 year old daughter, and I am so excited to use my laptop to write a letter to her each week. I am a paramedic in school to be a RN at Kaiser, and to get my classes done I go to the library every day for a computer. This laptop is a game changer for me in my schooling.

Myra Garcia

My laptop will help me start my new business! My husband is an electrician, we are starting an electrical business for residential homes. I am responsible for the finances and managing the company; the laptop will help so much!

Sheronda Clark

I am a mom of 4, and I work for the state in helping with foster care. I work remotely a few days of the week, and my laptop will save me so much time since I won't have to travel to the library anymore.

Rodrika Fish

I have a 6 year old daughter and 9 year old daughter, and I am always asking them for help with computer stuff. Now that I have my own laptop, I can do everything I need online and start looking for a job; I want to get a job as a professional cleaner for a hotel or a kitchen to take care of my girls.

Join the movement. Make an impact.

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Philanthropic Partners

None of these impacts could be made without these philanthropic partners who generously lend their support to help us achieve our vision of inspiring a world where conscious capitalism drives sustainable and just opportunities for all people, organizations, and our planet to thrive.

Community Partners

In-Kind Partners

Philanthropic Partners

Fill out the form below and tell us how you want to be a part of the end of the digital divide and e-waste crisis.