human-I-T was founded with an environmental mission at its core, to prevent E-Waste from going to landfills when it could be reused. While we are doing a lot to help the environment, we knew we could be even more sustainable. So, we looked into what it takes to be a certified Green Business by the California Green Business network. We saw that we were close, but there was still some work to be done. So we rolled up our sleeves, grabbed our recycling bins, and got to work!
Being a green business is about implementing practices that individually seem small, but together and over time, make a significant impact. Many of the green business practices are common sense. Things like: avoiding waste by eliminating unnecessary packaging and printing, recycle materials to divert waste from a landfill for reuse (a personal favorite of ours!), and conserving water and energy by upgrading building equipment. However, some are a little less intuitive. For instance, promoting and incentivizing alternative transportation for employees or hiring more local vendors, which means less vehicle use.
But with guidance from the California Green Business Network, we got it done! Now we can announce to you that we now have the honor of being recognized as an official Green Business. We are proud to be a part of a group of likeminded people and organizations that care about the environment and doing what they can to protect it.
It’s our responsibility as planetary citizens to do what we can to help preserve the earth. We usually take many things for granted, such as the fresh air that we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink, the things that planet earth provides for us. The earth is the ultimate provider of opportunity. We would not be here without its sprawling and intricate life creating systems, and so we should respect it as the caregiver it truly is.
Would you and your workplace like to join this network of amazing organizations? Then head over here and see how you can join!