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Picture this: a world where tax season isn’t synonymous with endless forms, number crunching, and anxiety-induced headaches. 

Instead, imagine a time when doing your taxes is not only stress-free but also an opportunity to make a positive impact on both your life and the planet. Sounds too good to be true? 

Not anymore.

Human-I-T, a trailblazer in digital inclusion and technology repurposing, joined forces with Straight Talk, the Verizon -owned no-contract wireless carrier, to redefine the tax season experience. Introducing the Straight Talk Tax Breaks Campaign, an event that took Miami by storm on February 23-24, 2024.

Straight Talk Tax Breaks

Located in the vibrant Wynwood Neighborhood of Miami, FL, the Straight Talk Tax Breaks event was the ticket to a stress-free tax season.

Participants walked into a specially designed “Tax Break” rage room, where they were encouraged to let loose and smash a dummy phone to smithereens. It was a cathartic experience, symbolizing their break from the shackles of tax-related stress. But the fun didn’t stop there.

After their rage room session, attendees had the opportunity to trade in their old devices for shiny new mobile devices and plans from Straight Talk. It was a win-win situation – they got upgraded phones, and their old devices got a new lease on life. 

Human-I-T made the process seamless, with convenient drop-off boxes for easy device collection and all the necessary shipping materials provided for sending phones to our Detroit facility.

The Bigger Picture: Bridging the Digital Divide

The Straight Talk Tax Breaks event was more than just a fun way to deal with tax season. 

By donating their old devices, participants became a part of Human-I-T’s mission to bridge the digital divide and create opportunities for those who might otherwise be left behind in our increasingly technology-driven world.

In our modern society, access to technology is no longer a luxury – it’s a fundamental necessity. Yet, far too many individuals find themselves on the wrong side of the digital divide, cut off from the vast potential that technology offers. 

This event, and partnerships like the one between Human-I-T and Straight Talk, are crucial in driving digital inclusion and ensuring that everyone has a chance to participate and thrive in the digital landscape.

A New Chapter in Tax Season and Tech Donation

The Straight Talk Tax Breaks event may be over, but the mission to bridge the digital divide and create a more inclusive, sustainable world continues. 

We encourage everyone to stay connected with Human-I-T, follow our journey, and join us in future initiatives to make a lasting difference.

Together, we turned tax season into a force for good. We broke free from stress and e-waste, one device at a time. And we’re just getting started.

Lo Terry

About Lo Terry