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Gen-Z navigates a unique path, balancing the vastness of digital possibilities with the need for mindful engagement. Organizations like Human-I-T are pivotal, steering this tech-savvy generation towards a future where they’re able to harness technology to unlock their potential online. Initiatives that bridge the digital divide and advocate for responsible tech usage are not just shaping an inclusive world; they are nurturing a generation committed to conscientious connectivity and digital stewardship. 

“Welcome to the Internet” by Bo Burnham echoes the anxieties of Gen-Z, a generation immersed in a world where connectivity is inherent and innate. The song’s satirical edge cuts through the digital landscape, revealing a world abundant with knowledge and interaction yet shadowed by information excess and content overload. 

As Gen-Z forges ahead, we remain curious as to how songs like “Welcome to the Internet” point towards roadblocks that stand in their way of using technology to feel more empowered, responsible, and able to make an impact on the world they live in.

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The Lyrics to “Welcome to the Internet”

“Welcome to the internet

Have a look around

Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found

We’ve got mountains of content

Some better, some worse

If none of it’s of interest to you, you’d be the first

Welcome to the internet

Come and take a seat

Would you like to see the news or any famous women’s feet?

There’s no need to panic

This isn’t a test, haha

Just nod or shake your head and we’ll do the rest

Welcome to the internet

What would you prefer?

Would you like to fight for civil rights or tweet a racial slur?

Be happy

Be horny

Be bursting with rage

We got a million different ways to engage

Welcome to the internet

Put your cares aside

Here’s a tip for straining pasta

Here’s a nine-year-old who died

We got movies, and doctors, and fantasy sports

And a bunch of colored pencil drawings

Of all the different characters in Harry Potter fucking each other

Welcome to the internet

Hold on to your socks

‘Cause a random guy just kindly sent you photos of his cock

They are grainy and off-putting

He just sent you more

Don’t act surprised, you know you like it, you whore

See a man beheaded

Get offended, see a shrink

Show us pictures of your children

Tell us every thought you think

Start a rumor, buy a broom

Or send a death threat to a boomer

Or DM a girl and groom her

Do a Zoom or find a tumor in your

Here’s a healthy breakfast option

You should kill your mom

Here’s why women never fuck you

Here’s how you can build a bomb

Which Power Ranger are you?

Take this quirky quiz

Obama sent the immigrants to vaccinate your kids

Could I interest you in everything?

All of the time?

A little bit of everything

All of the time

Apathy’s a tragedy

And boredom is a crime

Anything and everything

All of the time

Could I interest you in everything?

All of the time?

A little bit of everything

All of the time

Apathy’s a tragedy

And boredom is a crime

Anything and everything

All of the time

You know, it wasn’t always like this

Not very long ago

Just before your time

Right before the towers fell, circa ’99

This was catalogs

Travel blogs

A chat room or two

We set our sights and spent our nights


For you, you, insatiable you

Mommy let you use her iPad

You were barely two

And it did all the things

We designed it to do

Now look at you, oh

Look at you, you, you

Unstoppable, watchable

Your time is now

Your inside’s out

Honey, how you grew

And if we stick together

Who knows what we’ll do

It was always the plan

To put the world in your hand


Could I interest you in everything?

All of the time

A bit of everything

All of the time

Apathy’s a tragedy

And boredom is a crime

Anything and everything

All of the time

Could I interest you in everything?

All of the time

A little bit of everything

All of the time

Apathy’s a tragedy

And boredom is a crime

Anything and everything

And anything and everything

And anything and everything

And all of the time”

Analysis of “Welcome to the Internet” Lyrics

The Satirical Lens of Bo Burnham

Bo Burnham’s “Welcome to the Internet” sharply satirizes the digital era, contrasting a whimsical melody with the profound complexities of online culture. The song captures the essence of the internet as a boundless yet overwhelming space, a theme that resonates with Gen-Z’s constant digital immersion. Burnham’s critique extends beyond entertainment, reflecting on the internet’s influence on identity, social interactions, and the relentless pursuit of attention. This portrayal aligns well with Gen-Z’s experience as digital natives.

Key Themes in the Lyrics of “Welcome to the Internet”

The song highlights two key issues: the overwhelming abundance of digital choices that often leaves us indecisive, and the intense competition for our attention online, measured in clicks and views.

The song also highlights the double-edged sword of connectivity, acknowledging the internet’s role in fostering access and interaction while exposing users to its darker facets. This duality is a lived reality for Gen-Z, who balance the benefits of digital connectivity with the need to navigate its potential risks.

Reflecting on these themes provides a nuanced understanding of Gen-Z’s digital landscape, setting the stage for a discussion on the role of initiatives in fostering a responsible and inclusive digital future.

Understanding Gen-Z’s Digital Landscape

The Digital Native Generation

Generation Z, born between 1997 and 2012, are the epitome of digital natives, a demographic that has not experienced a world without the internet, social media, and instant digital communication. This generation’s formative years have been intertwined with the rapid evolution of technology, making digital platforms an integral part of their daily lives. Unlike previous generations, Gen-Z’s exposure to technology began in early childhood, with a 2022 Pew Research Center study indicating that over 95% of teenagers report having access to a smartphone. This early and pervasive access has not only shaped their interactions but also their worldview, learning styles, and social habits.

The digital tools available to Gen-Z are a fundamental part of their identity formation. Growing up in an era where information, entertainment, and social interaction are predominantly online, this generation has developed unique characteristics that set them apart. Their cognitive development has been influenced by the internet’s vast resources, leading to a generation that is adept at multitasking and processing information quickly, albeit with shorter attention spans (approximately 8 seconds) as noted in studies like those conducted by Microsoft.

Gen-Z’s Relationship with Technology

Gen-Z’s daily life is deeply embedded in technology, with their routines, learning methods, and social interactions heavily reliant on digital platforms. This generation spends an average of over 10 hours a day engaging with online content, as reported by Arise. This extensive digital interaction shapes their expectations, behaviors, and even values. They are not just passive consumers of digital content; they are creators, contributors, and critics, actively shaping the digital landscape.

Their relationship with technology is also characterized by a desire for instant gratification and constant connectivity. The internet, for Gen-Z, is a space of endless possibilities—a place for learning, self-expression, socializing, and entertainment. This constant connectivity, however, comes with its challenges. As noted by Pew Research, while Gen-Z appreciates the vast opportunities the internet provides, there is also a growing awareness and concern about its negative aspects, such as the impact on mental health and the spread of misinformation.

As we move from understanding Gen-Z’s foundational relationship with technology, it’s crucial to examine how this digital immersion influences their perspectives on broader societal issues, including the digital divide and the growing need for universal connectivity. 

Gen-Z’s Attitude Toward Universal Connectivity

The Desire for Instant and Unlimited Access

Gen-Z’s digital upbringing has fostered an inherent expectation for instant and unlimited access to information, entertainment, and social interaction. Over 79% of the Gen Z population recognizes the internet’s role in enhancing global connectivity, a sentiment less shared by older generations (WP Engine). Their reliance on constant connectivity is stark, with 58% feeling uneasy without internet access for more than four hours, compared to only 27% of Boomers This fact emphasizes how important it is for this younger population to have access to the world of opportunities out there, as well as create and maintain essential connections.

More than a tool, for Gen Z, the internet is a lifeline integral to their education, expression, and growth. Recognizing this, organizations like Human-I-T are not just bridging the digital divide but are affirming internet access as a fundamental right, ensuring that Gen Z and future generations remain integral players in an increasingly digital world.

Balancing Digital Opportunities and Challenges

Navigating the digital world’s vast opportunities while mitigating its inherent risks is a delicate balancing act for Gen-Z. They are also acutely aware of the digital realm’s pitfalls, including data privacy concerns, the spread of misinformation, and the psychological impacts of social media. The awareness and proactive stance of Gen-Z regarding these issues are reflected in their digital behavior—from advocating for data privacy reforms to fostering communities that prioritize mental well-being.

Gen-Z’s digital savviness enables them to harness the potential of technology while advocating for a safer, more inclusive, and ethical digital ecosystem. Their approach to digital life is not passive; it’s marked by a conscious effort to strike a balance between leveraging digital tools for growth and personal development while remaining vigilant about the challenges these tools present. As this generation continues to shape the digital landscape, their attitudes and actions are pivotal in defining the future of universal connectivity—a future that is not only digitally advanced but also socially responsible and inclusive.

Gen-Z’s collective attitudes and behaviors are shaping a new paradigm in digital culture, one that values connectivity, creativity, and community while being mindful of the need for privacy, authenticity, and well-being. This sets the stage for a broader discussion on the role of initiatives and organizations in fostering a responsible and inclusive digital future.

Clearly, guiding Gen-Z towards responsible digital usage is crucial. Digital literacy programs, like those offered by Human-I-T, are key. They equip young minds to:

  • Navigate the digital realm safely.
  • Identify credible information.
  • Understand data privacy.
  • Use digital tools productively.

These programs are more than just educational tools; they’re about preparing Gen-Z to use technology for innovation and problem-solving. With a significant portion of Americans lacking basic digital access, the role of comprehensive digital education is undeniable. It’s about empowering every individual to excel in a digital-centric future.

As digital natives, Gen-Z navigates this landscape with an innate savvy but also seeks guidance and responsible stewardship. Human-I-T’s role transcends providing digital access; it’s about fostering a sustainable, inclusive digital ecosystem. Our commitment to digital equity and environmental sustainability is shaping a future where technology empowers and unites, reflecting the aspirations and values of Gen-Z – the future leaders of our world.

Liz Cooper

About Liz Cooper