It’s that time of the year again – turkeys, football, flannels, and Black Friday. Yes, it’s the season of consumption, but it’s also a time to give. This year we are participating in #GivingTuesday, a global giving movement fueled by social media and an opportunity for our advocates, friends, and supporters to donate to our cause. Last year, non-profits and social enterprises raised nearly $295M for their cause on this day. You have the power to increase that number and help us connect more communities to computers, internet, and digital training.
The advent of this movement is especially important for us here at human-I-T. #GivingTuesday would likely not exist without #blackfriday or #cybermonday, days that are notoriously known for purchasing the latest and greatest technology. The holidays are a time when we, and many of you, reflect on our consumption as a society. What many of us don’t recognize is the vast disparities between people that have the newest, hottest tech and those that are struggling to pay for an internet connection. It’s prevalent in our community and in your community, but it’s not always easy to pinpoint. We have pinpointed these people, families, war veterans, LGBTQ, non-profits, schools and the elderly. We connect your donations to those communities to make a lasting impact.

Giving Tuesday is not only an opportunity for you to donate; it’s an opportunity for you to spread awareness about overconsumption, shine light on the digital divide, and to drop a little think bomb on your friends and family…even if only for one day. Be that person. It makes a difference — And so does a dollar. Better yet:
* $25 helps a family get connected to the internet for the first time
* $50 equips an underserved household with a fully refurbished computer
* $100 connects a family with a new mobile hotspot.
* Or for less than the price of a Black Friday TV special – $500 gets TEN families connected to computer hardware.
With more ways and more reasons to give than ever before, we hope to inspire you to join our vision in inspiring digital equality for all. Outside of #GivingTuesday, monetary, and technology donations are open year round to sustain our cause.